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Early print collection With digital objects
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Calendar for part of August and September with golden numbers, dominical letters, and feast days.

Gospel sequences - Saint John

B2 verso. Features a historiated metalcut border of Saint John holding a poisoned cup with a dead man at his feet, from an apocryphal tale in which Saint John is challenged by Aristodemus, the pagan chief priest of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, to drink a cup of poison in order to prove his faith.

Title page and frontispiece

A1 recto. Features overpainted metalcut depicting Germain Hardouyn’s printer’s device, two putti holding a shield hanging from a tree (adapted from the emblem of the Parisian printer Guillaume Eustace). Inscription reads: Hore beate marie virginis s[e]c[un]d[u]m usum e // cclesie romane totaliter ad longum cum mul // tis suffragiis et orationibus. (Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the use of the Roman Church, complete and at length with many suffrages and prayers.)

Gospel sequences - Saint John

B2 verso. Features an overpainted metalcut of Saint John the Evangelist on the island of Patmos with a vision of the Virgin and Child in the sky. John has his gospel on his lap and is accompanied by an eagle, his evangelist symbol.

Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Lauds

D7 recto. Features an overpainted metalcut of Augustus and the Tiburtine Sybil. The Roman emperor consults the prophetess, who reveals a celestial vision of the Virgin and Child, while a young man looks on. According to medieval legend, when Augustus consulted the Sibyl about whether he should accept apotheosis (recognition as a god after his death), she prophesied the coming of Christ and revealed a vision of the Virgin and Child on the site of the future Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome.

Penitential psalms

H7 verso. Overpainted metalcut of King David repenting. A kneeling David prays for forgiveness outside the walls of Jerusalem with two bodies at his feet, while an angel descends bearing a sword and arrow, symbols of war.

Office of the Dead

K1 verso. Historiated metalcut border featuring a naked corpse awaiting burial lying on a shroud beside a churchyard cross and a wooden grave marker.

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